On a LS-Adaptive Learning Objects Creation Methodology Using LOM Metadata

Authors: Aremy Olaya Virrueta Gordillo, Rodolfo Esteban Ibarra Orozco

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 56, pp. 69-76, 2012.

Abstract: In this paper, we present a methodology to generate Adaptive Learning Objects based on the students’ learning style orientation. An adaptive hypermedia methodology is applied in order to classify a Learning Object (LO) and, then, the obtained classification is inserted into the LO, so a Learning Management System can present the LOs that correspond with the students learning style preferences. At this current research stage, we are particular interested in developing a framework to build Adaptive Learning Objects, in which the LO and the students’ learning styles are manually classified. In the following stage, we will focus on classifying these elements in an automatic way, by means of machine learning techniques.

PDF: On a LS-Adaptive Learning Objects Creation Methodology Using LOM Metadata
PDF: On a LS-Adaptive Learning Objects Creation Methodology Using LOM Metadata